Our History
ASA has been serving the Construction Industry since 1966. One of the main goals is to provide an environment where our Specialty Contractors can impact the construction industry and continue to move the industry forward through collaborative and innovative efforts. ASA also advocates for laws such as prompt payment and zero retainage that reflect best practices.
Our Focus
Our focus throughout our Association is to assist members find work opportunities; help members grow their business through best industry practices within the construction industry. This is accomplished by working with other industry associations to develop and publish project management best practices and model contract language that is equitable to all members of the construction project team.
Monthly events are provided throughout the year, detailing work opportunities with one of our well-known/established Business Partners at the dinner meetings. Special events include the Awards Gala, Golf Tournament, and Holiday Military Mixer. Awards Gala & Golf Tournament donates to the Fullerton College’s scholarships.
More than three-quarters of the construction performed in the United States is performed by subcontractors. Whether you're a small, family-owned subcontractor working primarily on renovations of historical properties or a multi-million-dollar commercial subcontractor, your work is subject to:
General business laws and regulations (e.g., income tax, anti-trust).
Laws and regulations specific to the construction industry (e.g., mechanic's lien laws, anti-'bid shopping' laws, prompt pay laws).
And the "private law" of the subcontracts that describe subcontractors' performance obligations and allocate risk.
The Future
ASA provides an atmosphere where collaboration and innovation can thrive. This is accomplished by consistently combining industry and educational information that can make us all better prepared for the future. We will continue to work with great schools like Fullerton College’s Construction Department, to help the future leaders of the construction industry. Our goal is to help students fulfil their future, by connecting them with ASA members. Mentoring, and sharing innovative best practices within the industry.